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Friday, 28 December 2012

Kpop continues to conquer Singapore life

Kpop Fever Flip Leaf Communication

On the eve of 27th December, between two great holidays, Flip Leaf Communications hosted Kpop Fever event, that was just great combination of all best, that we take from Korea. Gifts, discounts, samples, certificates, all was carefully gathered and presented to guests, who attended truly VIP event to get closer to Korean culture.

Speech in Korean from MC, and guests got 51$ voucher discount for language lesson @Korean Guru. Korean style dance from girls group, and everybody could subscribe with 15% off for ACTFA school of dance and performing arts to learn Gangman Style and any other dance classes from Argentine tango to Sensual dance. As a cute moment, there was competition for kids, who danced as Gangman and could win prizes, guests voted from their heart and to the end every young talent got rewarded. 
Korean pop songs live singing, and transforming clothes presentation from A-Maze by Derrick Fun, 20$ voucher from Nail's D'vine classical family nail Spa at Dempsey, travel kit of Korean LJH cosmetics from Hankook, all that was great reward for guests and good introduction into Korean culture and life. Event turned to be cosy and heartwarming, that made everybody waiting for next occasion to deep into Korean culture.
Flip Leaf Communications Kpop Fever Korean live
Korean Kpop live 
A-Maze by Derrick Fun at Kpop Fever
A-Maze by Derrick Fun at Kpop Fever
Derrick Fun at Kpop Fever
Dress length changing at the stage
Derrick Fun at Kpop Fever
Derrick Fun transforming clothes
Flip Leaf Communications - Kpop Fever dance
Kpop Fever dance

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Larger-than-Life Cow Sculptures by Gnana - Indian roots at Galeri Utama

Larger-than-Life cow sculptures by P Gnana
Larger-than-Life cow sculptures by P Gnana

Cows in bronze, metal, painted, with paper prints on the sides, from car parts and with chains as tales, small puppy-sized and giant life sizes, just staying at the grass or looking at the reflection, funky Coca-Cola cows and with machine parts as legs, all of them have character and look realistic despite of materials produced from. Cow sculptures are truly “Larger-than-life” experience by Singapore artist Gnana, who grew up helping mother to look for cows, feed them watch life of animals and understand every pose and even expressions, and to bring it to his art works years later. 

Today P Gnana with 23 year art career and more, than 10th solo exhibitions around the World, including New Delhi, Kuala Lumpur and New York debut in 2011, is opening his solo exhibition in Singapore – Incarnation, supported by National Parks Board, Sculpture Society and Gnani Art Gallery. Art lovers, who came to Utama Galeri at the foot of Fort Canning hill on the eve of 20th Dec got perfect chance to listen artist speaking about his inspiration and works, what is guiding him and how he is searching for materials. 
Larger-than-Life exhibition in Singapore
Incarnation by P Gnana in Singapore
Mainly cow sculptures, including giant real-size cow at the entry to the gallery, were presented to public. Each giving different ideas and being lively despite of unlivable material. Gnana’s works combine basic nature of animal poses and industrial materials, which makes everybody, who is sees his works, to think about our complex world and human balancing between nature and progress. Guest-of-honor Mr. Kong Yit San from National parks Board expressed strongest support towards artists work.
Cow image is one of key figures in Gnana’s work, who also made series of painting, where animals are main characters along with pair of lovers or thinkers… Gallerie D’Arts conducted Gnana’s solo exhibition “Holy Cow” in May-June 2012 with 6 cow sculptures and 25 painting. Gnana is also working on scultupture, that combine human figures and different parts of machines, devices, electronics, such as insides chip of old TV screens. Artist’s works are truly valued by modern art connoseuirs; Gnana’s works are in collection of former President of Singapore, of Singapore Art Museum of the National Heritage Board, Coutts Bank, Ascenda’s International Park in Chennai. Gnana is active member of Singapore Sculpture Society and taking part in many exhibitions, as for example Affordable Art Fair in November 2012 in Singapore.
Incarnation exhibition will be conducted in Utama Galeri from 20th to 31 Dec and opened for all visitors, outdoor sculptures can be seen even in 2013. Those, who want to learn more about “cow-ology” by Gnana can visit Gallery of Gnani Arts at Tanglin Mall.

Cowology by P Gnana
Cowology by P Gnana

P Gnana - Cow-ology - Galeri Utama
P Gnana - Cow-ology - Galeri Utama
Singapore - Incarnation exhibition
Incarnation by P Ghaha - Singapore
Larger-than-Life Incarnation - Cow scultures
Cow-ology by P Gnana - Incarnation
Incarnation exhibition by P Gnana - Utama Galeri
P Gnana Larger-than-Life Sculptures
Incarnation - Utama Galeri - P Gnana
Incarnation - Utama Galeri - P Gnana
Larger-than-Life P Ghana Singapore
Larger-than-Life Cow Sculpture by P Ghana
Vydhya Gnana Gouresan - P Gnana exhibition curator
Vydhya Gnana Gouresan - P Gnana Incarnation opening
Incarnation exhibition opening at Utama Galeri Singapore
Utama Galeri hosting Incarnation by P. Gnana
Incarnation - P.Gnana - Larger-than-Life Sculptures
P.Gnana - Utama Galeri - Incarnation exhibition
Incarnation Exhibition at Utama Galeri
Incarnation by P Gnana at Utama Galeri
P Gnana at Utama Galeri Singapore
P Gnana BIO

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Saught - making beauty from dangerous pieces

Saught Spring Summer Collection 2013
Venue at The Public Domain

  Christmas shopping time is definetely good for discovering new things at the market, while you are searching for perfect presents. So decided we are and sharing here new word at accessories endless market - Saught.

  Saught is actually community of active singaporeans, who try to make difference, by helping real people, giving them job, income, support, spreading word about peace and sharing information about those, who are in need. Young singaporean designers are making accessories from Cambodian landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXOs), promoting peace and help for those, who are still in need after hard times in their country. Saught designers get Cambodian people to make jewelry pieces for them, giving possibility to get stable income and also helping disabled ones.
  All designs are inspired by horrible signs of past war, that are still all around Cambodia: injured kids, poverty, families living at the streets and houses from garbage, mine fields and sudden news about people losing leg or hand and sometimes their life in jungles. That's how names of accessories collections were created: "Freedom from poverty", "Freedom from war", "Freedom from fear". Some art pieces are named "Bricks of hope" - also remind, that help required especially after war is finished.
  Saught partnered with Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Design and student created unique design for every pieces of Spring/Summer 2013 collection. Cambodians, whom Saught is supporting, produce actual accessories from mine metal, that was gathered from fields and specially processed to get new shape and sheen.
  It can sound strange to wear earrings from piece of metal, that could kill the kid playing at the field, but when you see bird of hope with wings bringing it up to the sky, when you think, that that accessories were made with a good attittude and by people who are in real need to get every cent for their family, you are just proud to wear that peice of art and to say, that you helped those living far away, who are in poverty.
Peace makers for peace lovers
New Collection pieces
  New collections of accessories were launched mainly to the students audience during exclusive preview at The Public Domain at 51, Waterloo Street, place for young talented people with proactive vision of life. Evening of 14th December was stuffed with food by social enterprise Soul Food providing training and employment for the disabled in Singapore, bubbly Lindeman's peche beer; cookies by Tamar Village supporting outreach work for freedom from the sex trade in Singapore, crafty goods by In Merry Motion, and gorgeous presents by Gracesmiths. Good atmosphere was created by Saught members and designers, who were sharing their ideas and how they got inpired for creations. Guests could try all products and get it in boxes with simple, but special design.  20% off was pleasant reward for those, who visited launch event. Pictures at the walls were mainly displaying Cambodians, and the process of accessories creation.
Saught community describe themselves as PeaceMakers, for PeaceLovers, social business "to support sustainability in post-conflict countries". They are supported and staying in good partnership with Italian NGO "Education for a Future", that is working 8 years in Cambodia to educate locals teaching them Italian traditions of making jewelry. They are in connection with Rajana Association, that is giving Cambodians crafting, sewing and silversmith skills and helps to sell goods in store around Cambodia. Saught gets materials from Cambodian Mine Centre. In Singapore, except Temasek Polytechnic's School of Design, Saught is supported by NUS Enterprise, that generously help young entrepreneurials in Singapore. And the most important, Saught is recognised and supported internationally by Global Leaders, Entrepreneurials and Altruists Network (GLEAN), that is giving special attention to women leaders and start ups founders.
Saught - support Cambodia

Saught - support Cambodia

Integrity - Freedom from Fear Collection - Saught
Integrity - Freedom from Fear Collection - Saught
Petals of Bloom - Freedom from War Collection - Saught
Petals of Bloom - Freedom from War Collection - Saught
Support Cambodia - Saught

Freedom from fear, war, poverty - New collection - Saught

Friday, 14 December 2012

7 for All Mankind - keeping bodies warm in raining Singapore

7 for all man kind - kids runway

US jeans brand 7 for All Mankind gently reminded to all friends keep warm and wear denim during raining season at the Holiday 2012 Collection exclusive preview on the 13th of December in one of outlets at The Shoppers @ Marina Bay.

  Friends of the brand gathered at the venue for heart touching runway show with kids models Calista Leung, Jeron Neo, Junior Yeo, Danesia and Ana Lai, who were opening evening and posing very professionally at the stage. International artist Krista Kleiner was hosting the event. Appetizers from Koco chef, Perrier water and champagne were making evening relaxing.
  Guests could enjoy models featuring new collection for adults, as well as to check it at the store and try it out. Exclusive discount was pleasant reward of the evening, as well as friendly relaxed atmosphere created by the team. Sister denim brands Bread & Butter and 6Five Barcode all by VGO Corporation Limited, situated just next door got guests special attention as well, as they just launched new collections at the Women's Fashion week at Shoppers at the end of November
7 for all man kind at Marina Bay Shoppers

7 for all man kind by VGO Corporation Limited

7 for all man kind - kids runway

7 for all man kind - kids runway

7 for all man kind - kids runway

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

7 for all man kind - Holiday Collection 2012 the Shoppers

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Рождество в тропиках... Или праздник нам внушают

Orchard Christmas Decoration
Orchard Christmas Decoration

  Итак, являясь супер толерантным городом-страной, Сингапур, уважая все религии и культуры отмечает все праздники - Новый год по восточному календарю, Рамадан, Деепавали, Весак День, Новый год, Пасху и, конечно же, для веруюзих католиков - Рождество. 

  Однако, из религиозного этот праздник давно уже вырос в общемировой, да и не без помощи маркетологов всего мира, обмениваться подарками 25 декабря стали все - друзья, коллеги, родственники, ну а для детей, это особенно желанное время - сладости льются рекой. 
  Для России католическое Рождество не так важно, как Новый Год, но и то, и другое - для нас особое время, атмосфера - елка, снег, мандарины, любимые фильмы, застолье, уютные посиделки. Нового Года ждут, его предвкушают и готовятся, и прежде всего, его для нас готовит природа - наваливая горы снега и напуская морозец.
Vivicity - shopping mall
Harbour Front у ViviCity - 2011
   Вот уже второй год, для меня новогодняя пора проходит в тропиках - на острове, близком к экватору, поэтому настроя и нестроения праздновать у меня не появляетс, так как холод только их кондиционера, а вместо сугробов меня постепенно начинают окружать фальшивые зимние декорации. В прошлом году я только дивилась, как пластмассовая фигура снеговика у входа в тоговый центр была выше пальм, а на променаде установили елки с гирляндами, а это все в +30, потом мне было смешно смотреть на огни, опоясывающие пальмы...
  Ну а в этом году - все намного круче: первая уличная торговля рождественскими товарами стартовала 29 октября, это когда еще не во всех северных странах первый снег-то выпал! Увидев красочную вывеску в темное время суток, я натурально испугалась, не готова я еще к окончанию года, хотя были еще честные 2 месяца впереди. Дальше - больше, украсили все и вся, так что по улицам вечером не пройти, а огни свисают с каждого столба, причем абсолютно все декорировано под шапки снега и иней. Под конец, я просто стала собирать курьезные экземпляры и даже составила рейтинг самых нелепых ёлок, первые три места - фотогрфии ниже. Также примеры заснеженных фальшивых ветвей и снежных шапок - радыют мой глаз всюду.
Рождественский базар - Сингапур с 29 октября
С 29 октября - Orchard Road у Somerset
  Ну и не последнюю роль в этом круговороте играют производители всего и вся, которые пятаются повысить продажи за счет праздничных покупок, а уж продвижение и реквизит - просто мечта.
  Для того, кто всю жизнь каждый год встречал со снегом и особенным настроением, вся тропическая мишура от создателей, которые реального снега просто не видели, вызывает улыбку и грусть, чувство тоски по реальному родному празднику. Лучшим подарком кажутся сугроб мягкого снега, в котором можно валяться и хохотать, запах еловых ветвей, пар изо рта на морозце, звезды в небе, ярчк мерцающие от холода и компания веселых друзей, чтобы отметить сказочно. Пока же, наслаждаемся изобретениями человечества и снисходительно улыбаемся на попытки жителей тропиков отметить снежный праздник.

Елка - Сингапур аэропорт
Елка в аэропорту Сингапура - Angry Birds - 1 место
Ёлка - колпак колдуньи
Ёлка - колпак колдуньи - 2 место
Ёлка - из мишек
Ёлка из мишек - травматично для детского сознания - 3 место
Фальшивый снег
Снег - гирлянды на деревьях - полное покрытие
Ветви из неоновых трубок
Ветви из неона - как часть опор торгового центра - массивно
Снежные декорации из пластика
Зимние деревья в Orchard Central центре
Orchard Central арка
Christmas decorations Orchard Central
Orchard Central - рождественская овца
Гирлянды - головокружение
Гирлянды - головокружение
Гирлянды на каждом дереве
Гирлянды на каждом дереве - Orchard
Orchard с утра
Orchard Road с утра - без огней
Ferrero Rocher christmas tree - Orchard
 Ферреро Роше ёлка на Орчард - маркетинг
Щелкунчик - декорации на Орчард
Щелкунчик - декорации на Orchard Road
Уличные артисты - Orchard
Уличные артисты - Orchard
Акробаты - представления перед Рождеством
Акробаты - представления перед Рождеством
Orchard Road - street Artist
Уличная артистка - Orchard Road
Уличные музыканты - Orchard
Уличная музыка - странные инструменты
Street performance - music
Уличные музыканты - Orchard Road
Холл старейшего отеля - Raffles
Холл старейшего отеля - Raffles